I had to look up Friston, and found this, which seems to be a pretty good introduction to his concepts of free energy and active inference, and how they relate to religion.


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Great article! Could you expand on this point?

"Someone who believes “good” is an evolved concept knitting together different drives has multiple nodes in their causal network which generate positive valence predictions, underneath predictive nodes such as ‘evolution’ and ‘physics’, all with zero (or possibly negative!) valences."

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Nice article, yes, everyone's values are fundamentally based in belief. For the vast majority of people in white Christian western civilization those core values are rooted in egalitarianism, and have been since the original transvaluation of values under Paul of Tarsus 2,000 years ago. Those values are now imploding western civilization entirely and very well may result in the destruction of humanity itself. There needs to be a transvaluation of values back toward valuing hierarchy, nobility, honor, strength, immediacy of purpose if we are to avoid what looks to be an incredibly grim future.

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You done turned the Moral Argument on its head and it still works out the same. Huzzah.

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i agree, and i actually wrote pretty much the same thing a few months ago in my personal journal. let me see if i can dig it up.

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